WEAMEC, Marine Renewable Energy

the gateway for stakeholders to the Research, Education and Innovation network in Pays de la Loire, French region

A support for your industrial development by Research, Education and Innovation

Expert in Marine Renewable Energy (MRE)

WEAMEC draws up a synthesis report of the issues in the sector throughout the year

Discover our synthesis

What is WEAMEC ?

WEAMEC (for West Atlantic Marine Energy Community) federates the Marine Renewable Energy (MRE) ecosystem of “Pays de la Loire” French Region in the fields of Research, Education and Innovation activities.

WEAMEC and its members have established a “Research and Innovation” roadmap, a “Training” roadmap and an International Strategy.

WEAMEC brings together around thirty institutions and research laboratories (such as Centrale Nantes-French Engineering schools, Université de Nantes-French University, “Jules Verne Research Institute”, PMBA cluster…) and more than 90 partner companies and SME’s at the regional level. More than 400 companies at the French and international level collaborate with the academic and industrial stakeholders of WEAMEC.

The skills of these stakeholders, coupled with structuring testing facilities, has led to over 500 Regional, National and European projects for a portfolio of more than 100 M€ for the regional stakeholders over the [2015-2020] period. Amongst the academic partners more than 300 engineers and researchers are involved in research corresponding to 180 full-time equivalent positions. The calls for projects operated by WEAMEC enabled the selection of more than 80 research projects to be co-funded between 2016 and 2021, for a global budget of 13 M€, involving 25 academic institutions and regional laboratories, about 20 SMEs and 10 industrials.

The WEAMEC ecosystem also offers a wide range of training courses required for the Marine Renewable Energy (MRE) industry, both in initial training and continuing training from operator to engineer.

WEAMEC is an efficient gateway to quickly identify a partner, a skill, a test facility… for your research and innovation projects or training about all MRE: bottom fixed offshore wind, floating offshore wind, tidal energy, wave energy and Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion.

WEAMEC is funded by the Pays de la Loire region, Europe (FEDER), CARENE and Nantes Métropole.

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