General framework of the activity
The Pays de la Loire focuses unique advantages for all stakeholders aiming to set up and develop in the Marine Renewable Energy sector. Take a look at these five strengths which are the foundation of a competitive industry structure.
Specific skills in the MRE field
industrial success
- Pays de la Loire, the new marine economy
- Leading industrial players
- One third of the offshore wind power in France
- Mastery of the region’s MRE supply chain
strong political will
- Committed regional actors
- International influence
- Advanced manufacturing serving MREs
Dedicated infrastructure
- SEM-REV, the leading France operational multi-technology sea test site
- Carnet, a precursor test site for offshore wind power
- Unique experimental facilities and locations
- Powerful maritime and port infrastructures
- Collaborative technology platforms
a unique r&d and innovation focus in france
- Ecosystem of excellence: WEAMEC
- Internationally renowed research teams
- Private and industry led R&D
- Unique testing facilities in France
talents trained in line with actual needs
- Academic excellence
- Multi-industry advanced training
- Dedicated continuing education
a region connected to europe
Products or services in MRE
The Region supports companies in the sector in their development and innovation projects in Pays de la Loire:
- information on public devices,
- promotion of the regional sector on international exhibitions,
- help to find European funding,
- attractiveness of the territory to foreign investors,
- national and European lobbying,
- communication actions on the know-how and news of the sector.
The Region Pays de la Loire is also one of WEAMEC’s support.