General framework of the activity
GREENOV develops and promotes maritime CleanTech aimed at protecting the marine environment in line with regulatory, societal and citizen developments.
GREENOV’s ambition is to bring disruptive solutions to users and manufacturers of the sea in order to allow them to strongly reduce their impacts.
The first solution developed by GREENOV-ITES is a system for reducing underwater noise (Noise Mitigation System) emitted by maritime works, which is available in two versions:
The SSQ “Pile Driving” for offshore wind and MRE pile-driving operations
-The SSQ “Blue Shield” for coastal and harbour works.
Both systems are based on an innovative membrane, the Sub Sea Quieter, which has been patented twice and is the result of 5 years of R&D by Naval Group.
GREENOV-ITES is positioned as a system provider of this solution for reducing the impact of maritime works on ecosystems. On these markets, GREENOV-ITES is aiming for a “Full Service Supply” type of business model.
Specific skills in the MRE field
Noise Mitigation System, Site caracterization, physical oceanography, offshore and coastal works
Products or services in MRE
NOISE MITIGATION SYSTEM : Sub Sea Quieter Pile Driving
Projects in MRE
- Increase in TRL of our SubSea Quieter from TRL 6 to 9 via a demonstration in a tank at the Ecole Centrale, then on coastal piles and then on offshore wind turbine piles.
- Commercialisation on post-2024 wind turbine projects.