General framework of the activity
The research topics have a common system approach and focus on the modeling of electromagnetic devices, the conversion and control of energy. The fields of application concern transport and sustainable energies.
Specific skills in the MRE field
In the field of MRE, the focus is on the modeling, optimization and control of conversion chains or wind farms or tidal farms based on innovative electrotechnical structures (synchronous machines with double salience, double air gap or multiphase machine …). Studies range from the resource (wind, marine currents, etc.) to grid integration (energy quality), including robust and fault-tolerant AC / DC converters and control laws. adapted MPPT strategies.
Test facilities applicable to MRE
Test benches based on synchronous machine pentaphase (tidal application).
DSPMG slow machine-based test bench (2kW-50tr.min-1 double-synchronous permanent magnet synchronous machine)
GSAP-based test bench (synchronous generator with permanent magnets of 500 W)
Projects in MRE
- Project OWARD : optimal AC/DC hybridization of wind offshore farm
- project HYDROL 44 : design, control and diagnosis of tidal turbines
- project ODySEA : optimization of a multiphysical energy conversion chain for the storage of energy at sea by compressed air
- project OMDYN : development of dynamic umbilical cables for floating EMR systems
- project EMODI : corrective and predictive maintenance of offshore energy farm cables