General framework of the activity
Durably installing profitability into the company by revealing its capacity for innovation and developing its effectiveness is the preoccupation of all the KEOPS PERFORMANCE Group collaborators. Keops approach is global and breaks down into concrete actions acting on people, methods, production facilities and the rational use of energy. The KEOPS Performance group provides a novel solution by acting on the main levers, recognised as critical success factors.To do that, our group is organised into 4 centres of excellence that our clients can profit from either separately or together on the same project.
Specific skills in the MRE field
KEOPS has several subsidiaries including:
- Conception, manufacture, installation and commissioning
- Instrumentation, electrical, automation, industrial IT, supervision & M.E.S.
- Maintenance in Operational Condition
- Vibration, acoustic, thermal, magnetic flux treatments, …
- Analysis and reporting systems
- Specification preparation assistance
- Recommendation of technological options
- Definition of monitoring and control architectures
- Project coordination
- Contracting
- Pre-commissioning – Commissioning
- Installation start-ups
Products or services in MRE
Service to companies via technical assistance, expertise and training
This activity is based on a skills pool made up of experts in automation and industrial data-processing. Integrating the cultures of the companies they are devoted to, speaking multiple languages and extremely experienced, our specialists perform the following services:
- Preparation of specifications and pre-project documentation,
- Preparation of detailed technical specifications,
- Advice on the choice of automation components,
- Preparation of calls for bids and analysis of the responses,
- Development of automation and data-processing programmes,
- Monitoring of subcontracted implementations,
- Commissioning assistance,
- Training of developers and operators.
Projects in MRE
The HYPERWIND project aims to develop a comprehensive monitoring system for offshore and onshore turbines. This sytem is composed of various subsystems: blade system monitoring, SHM on gearboxes, SHM shafting line … KEOPS is the project leader.
The goal is to provide operators of a wind plant a systemic and dynamic view of their facilities and the plant as a whole. The assumption here is such that the overall integration of complete system will refine the understanding of dysfunctions as soon as possible.
Hyperwind deliveries:
- Provide a hyper vision system for renewable power farms offshore and onshore.
- Provide a comprehensive and systemic monitoring system of all plants componenets associated with a global model to early take into account signals.
- Provide a reliable remote monitoring system and easy to interpret by end users.
- Develop a methodology of construction of models and indicators on various machines including other domains of the Marine Renewable Energies.
- Present a demonstrator on a wind turbine equipped and functional (onshore wind).
Partners of Hyperwind are: KEOPS Automation – project leader, Net-Wind, Airbus and Meteodyn, as well as the Research Centers ARMINES – Ecole des Mines de Nantes, the Pole mer Bretagne Atlantique.