General framework of the activity
Loiretech designs and manufactures complete sets of tooling for large and complex composite, thermoplastic and metallic parts, from forming or moulding to inspection operations. Our main customers belong to the commercial aerospace, automotive, defence and renewable energies industries.
Loiretech holding company is situated in the West of France, close to Nantes.
Specific skills in the MRE field
Loiretech is involved in renewable energy industry thanks to its skills in composite parts industrialization.
Our main topic is composite blades for which we propose different types of technologies for moulding and assembling the frame, root, spars and aero panels.
Products or services in MRE
Modeling technlogies :
Loiretech is one of the key suppliers of the aerospace market in large composite and invar molds manufacturing. They have developed and patented in that field key technologies such as modular moulds, vacuum sealing and tubular structures. Their industrial equipment allows them to produce molds up to 20 meters long and able to reach curing temperatures up to 180°C.
Carbon epoxy molds: Mainly used for large structural or fuselage parts, this kind of tooling is able to produce carbon epoxy parts with rapid curing cycles due to the low weight of the mould compared to classical invar tooling.
Invar and steel molds: In case of high production volume, the invar or steel tooling remains an interesting technology allowing a very large number of parts production with very limited maintenance operations. The second main advantage of this solution is the geometrical accuracy of the molding surface.
trimming and assembling technlogies :
Loiretech can hold all kind of technologies in term of trimming including water-jet cutting, milling, laser cutting and laser pitching. The principle of their technology is to offer self automated tooling which is able to ensure a very accurate position of the part during trimming or cutting operations made on CNC machines or robot cells.
Projects in MRE
- WALiD is a FP7 funded project willing to develop very large blades up to 80 meters long made out of thermoplastic composites in order to afford recycling operations. Loiretech tasks in the project are : defining tooling concepts and assembling processes. Follow the link:
- HoBIT is an IRT Jules VERNE project willing to develop a one shot moulding technology for tidal turbine blades. The main interest in this project is the development of hollow blades in the objective of cycle time and cost reduction.