General framework of the activity
Located on the UFR Sciences of Nantes and Angers, the Laboratory of Planetology and Geodynamics (LPG) is a Mixed Research Unit multi-site that currently depends on three supervisory bodies that are the CNRS and the Universities of Nantes and Angers and associates geological research professors from the University of Le Mans and La Rochelle. Its activities are divided into four research themes: Changing Marine Systems, Planet Earth, Diverse Icy Worlds, and Terrestrials Planets. This structuring in themes rather than teams aims to decompartmentalize activities and promote exchanges, each researcher can devote the appropriate time to one or more of the four themes.
The LPG-BIAF’s research focuses on “Marine Systems in Transition”, with two main themes:
- 1. the functioning of current ecosystems, coastal and marine, benthic and planktonic
- 2. the development of bio-geochemical proxies:
- and 3 main skills:
- 1. fossilizable microorganisms (benthic and planktonic foraminifers),
- 2. geochemistry (diagenetic reactions and sediment chemistry, isotopic composition and trace elements of foraminiferal tests),
- 3. sedimentology (sediment dynamics and flows).
Specific skills in the MRE field
- Development of biochemical markers to assess the impact of EMR technologies on the marine environment.
- Marine geosciences (geochemistry, sedimentology, oceanography)
Test facilities applicable to MRE
- Geochemical analysis laboratory
- Portable spectrometers for performing analyzes at sea.
Projects in MRE
HOOPLA project “New methodological approaches for impact study of offshore wind power farming structures on benthic habitats: case study of a Haploops field” within the WEAMEC call for Research project.