General framework of the activity
Meteodyn was created in 2003. Since then, Meteodyn has expanded its expertise worldwide with technical partnerships and distributors around the world.
Meteodyn develops CFD wind modelling software and provides climatological and energy studies.
Our consulting services are focused on the resource assessment and optimization of wind and solar sites, wind safety, sustainable construction and city planning.
Specific skills in the MRE field
Meteodyn experts in meteorology, statistics, renewable energy and fluid mechanics carry out all studies, including wind and solar resource assessment, wind/solar farm optimization and power forecast.
Products or services in MRE
- Data acquisition
- Energy yield assessment – Wind and solar energy
- Profitability and feasibility of project
- Wind and solar power forecast
- Operations and maintenance
Projects in MRE
The HYPERWIND project aims to develop a comprehensive monitoring system for offshore and onshore turbines. This sytem is composed of various subsystems: blade system monitoring, SHM on gearboxes, SHM shafting line …
The goal is to provide operators of a wind plant a systemic and dynamic view of their facilities and the plant as a whole. The assumption here is such that the overall integration of complete system will refine the understanding of dysfunctions as soon as possible.
Hyperwind deliveries:
- Provide a hyper vision system for renewable power farms offshore and onshore.
- Provide a comprehensive and systemic monitoring system of all plants componenets associated with a global model to early take into account signals.
- Provide a reliable remote monitoring system and easy to interpret by end users.
- Develop a methodology of construction of models and indicators on various machines including other domains of the Marine Renewable Energies.
- Present a demonstrator on a wind turbine equipped and functional (onshore wind).
Partners of Hyperwind are: KEOPS Automation – project leader, Net-Wind, Airbus and Meteodyn, as well as the Research Centers ARMINES – Ecole des Mines de Nantes, the Pole mer Bretagne Atlantique.