General framework of the activity
Each industrial player, automated or not, must optimize its production with the right decisions in real time as continuous improvement. Software editor dedicated to the industrial world, Productys is a Manufacturing Intelligence leader. Every market player is looking for productivity, optimization and traceability to improve their competitiveness. However, a lot of field decisions are taken without any real measure of the established capacities. Productys solutions were developed to give the opportunity to every industrial to create its own decision-making system.
Specific skills in the MRE field
Logistys XXL: Optimizing exceptional transport FOR EXEMPLE FOR MRE TECHNOLY
Productys as created a preventive complete solution of conflicts related to transportation XXL on a common territory. First effective implementation for all stakeholders in the basin of Saint Nazaire.
The goal is to enable a unified interface to declare its traffic ahead and thus coordinate with other actors to avoid any conflict of movement. Two exceptional transport can not cross on the same section of road. During the actual departure of the convoy, all concerned are alerted in case of conflict last minute (delay of actors, availability of infrastructure etc.) that threatens the proper routing. Ditto for port infrastructure, sea lanes.
This collaborative solution is to allow everyone to organize transport and to optimize its resources, including loading and unloading, with control of the time of arrival (ETA) adjusted in real time. The potential productivity gains for each actor guarantee the profitability of the investment or service subscription. None required specific infrastructure.
Productys created this complete collaborative solution with the help of its Industry and logistics partners, BPI and the Region Pays de la Loire, the support of the Carene (local community), the Grand Port of Nantes-SN and CCI Nantes- SN.
Products or services in MRE
The “Logistys” solution allows you to:
- To declare
I declare all my Parcel, Transport Means, Templates, Routes, and then create my online movements Orders on Logistys Manager application - To Assess
I value my transportation within seconds on collaborative forecasting traffic in order to remove any potential conflict before validation - To perform
My carrier said on his departure with his Logistys Mobile Smartphone (iOS, Android, Winphone) information and its possible stops - To follow
I manage Real Time advance / delay all my traffic and am alerted as my carrier of any hazard that could disrupt my business