General framework of the activity
SUBAIRTECH conducts subaquatic inspections with its ROVs. As a reminder, a ROV is an underwater remotely operated vehicle. SUBAIRTECH’ROVs are classified in the inspection ROV, also called ObsRov. These ROV are equipped with underwater inspection and navigation latest technologies. Because of its transversal approach, the company works for industry, engineering and environment.
Specific skills in the MRE field
SUBAIRTECH is composed of three hubs:
- the ROV hub,
- the Drone pole,
- the images and data processing pole.
Our interventions:
- Structures inspection,
- Images and technical data
- Photography & video
- Inspection report
Our assets :
- Mobility and responsiveness in our intervention times
- Rapid deployment of our inspection ROV
- Mechanical ROV skills
- Several types of sensors available
Test facilities applicable to MRE
- Three professional ObsROV
- Several types of sensors used
- Photo / Video / HD / Echosounder / Positioning and other sensors on request
Products or services in MRE
- Networks and submerged structures underwater inspection
- Images & technical videos production
- Inspection reports (control) editing
Projects in MRE
The team is convinced that the MRE can partly meet environmental challenges. Furthermore, we believe that marine renewable energy will increase in the near future.