EERA DeepWind 2021 is an international event aiming to present the best on-going research and innovation related to deep sea offshore wind farms, both bottom-fixed and floating. The conference is hosted by SINTEF and NTNU and organized in cooperation with the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) joint programme on wind energy.
The conference has been developing every year since 2004, and is established as an important venue on deep sea offshore wind R&D. The programme includes a mix of plenary presentations with broad appeal and presentations in parallel sessions or by posters on specific science and technology themes.
Topics included are:
- New turbine and generator technology
- Grid connection and system integration
- Met-ocean conditions
- Operation & maintenance
- Installation and sub-structures
- Wind farm optimization
- Experimental testing and validation
- Wind farm control systems
Call for abstracts
Boost your professional profile and recognition by submitting a paper abstract addressing any of the topics in the programme. First authors of abstracts selected for presentation (oral or poster) are granted reduced fee for participation.
The abstract shall be one to two A4 pages and include Objective, Methodology and (expected) Results. The text shall be in 12pt Times New Roman, left. The topic shall be one of the following:
- New turbine and generator technology
- Grid connection and power system integration
- Met-ocean conditions
- Operation & maintenance
- Installation and sub-structures
- Wind farm optimization
- Experimental testing and Validation
- Wind farm control systems
All abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee. The selection criteria are relevance, quality and originality. Authors of accepted abstracts will be asked to give either an oral or poster presentation. Please state your preference.
All authors of accepted abstracts are invited to submit full papers for peer-review. Preparation of full papers is optional. These will go through a full peer-review and successful submissions will be published on-line in an accredited journal.
Deadline for abstract submission: 15 October 2020
- Abstracts shall be one to two pages (A4) in English stating topic, title of presentation, main author for correspondence and co-authors. Please use the word template.
- Send your abstract as a Microsoft Word or Acrobat pdf file by e-mail to