The Grand Renewable Energy 2018 International Conference and Exhibition to be held in Yokohama, will take place in Japan in June 2018
Chairperson’s Message
“The Paris Agreement in COP21 is the agreement applicable to all participants of parties for the first time in history and serves as a turning point with an eye toward a decarbonized society. Under the Agreement, the greenhouse gas emissions are to be reduced dramatically to almost zero by the end of this century. With this long-term goal in the Paris Agreement, it is important for us to accelerate strategic efforts and initiatives carbon emission reduction in energy demand and supply.
The practical challenge to achieve is low- carbonization of energy supply, energy conversion, and energy conservation including smart integration of renewable energy in maximum both in supply and demand sides. Financial strategy, policy initiatives and advanced technology development must be associated with them. Intelligence and cutting- edge technologies are indispensable in the fields of electricity, electronics, mechanics, physics, chemicals, biology, architecture, civil, mathematics, meteorology, sociology, systems, finance, and integrated management.
We have great expectation and feel glad to have discussion about these crucial issues through more than 900 papers’ presentation covering 12 areas of renewable energies. Plenary session by the invited speakers, more than 15 experts, from all over the world are also programmed. International exhibition is held in parallel.
We, Organizing Committee, welcome all those participating in Grand Renewable Energy 2018 Conference, and look forward to seeing in Yokohama. “
The conference will deal, among other topics, with the subject of Ocean Energy:
- Wave Energy
- Tidal Current Energy
- Ocean Current Energy
- Offshore Wind Energy
- Utilization with Aquaculture
- Resource Assessment and Monitoring
- Economic Assessment
- Ocean Resources for Energy
- Ocean Marine Biomass
- Deep Sea Water Application
Abstract Submission
Abstract should be submitted by January 31, 2018.Find all information on: http://www.grand-re2018.org/english/abstract.html
Organized by:
The Grand Renewable Energy 2018 Organizing Committee (GRE2018)
Co-Organized by:
Japan Council for Renewable Energy (JCRE)
International Solar Energy Society (ISES)
New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO)
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)
The Engineering Academy in Japan (EAJ)
New Energy Foundation (NEF)
Japan Solar Energy Society (JSES)
Japan Wind Energy Association (JWEA)
Ocean Energy Association – Japan (OEA-J)