It is time to take stand. Will you drive the Tidal Energy industry forwards?
We know that Tidal Energy is a viable alternative to fossil fuels but deploying the technology commercially has proven difficult to date. As an industry, we need to deliver on these projects, work together to find practical solutions, and put the industry on the front foot again.
But, this is not easy. Proving technology to secure finance, create bankable projects and ultimately lower LCOE are major challenges, challenges we must overcome.
The International Tidal Energy Summit is our opportunity to make this step change. To bring together the stakeholders who can truly influence the future of the Tidal Energy industry.
This isn’t going to be achieved by two days of talking heads. What is required is collaboration. Working groups with practical action points. Debates with purpose. Networking that matters.
If you believe you can influence change in the Tidal Energy industry and help us move towards commercial scale deployment, join us in London and be part of the solution.
The International Tidal Energy Summit – where change happens.
The 2019 International Tidal Energy Summit will bring together 120 dedicated tidal energy leaders. Although part of a larger 650 attendee offshore event, the intimacy and quality of the tidal event networking will be protected. We guarantee an environment where tidal attendees have the option but not the obligation to network with offshore wind professionals.
Critical issues to solve, challenges to overcome
Secure Finance and Revenue Support – The Road to Cost-Effectiveness:
Discover how Tidal Energy can minimise risk, prove cost competitiveness and evolve sector collaboration to secure private or public investments
Lower LCOE Through Technology Collaboration and Supply Chain Efficiency:
Evaluate how the supply chain – from developers to suppliers – can standardise technology and adopt existing marine logistics from other sectors to help lower LCOE
Backing the Right Projects – Project Updates from Tidal Stream, Range and Lagoon:
Get the latest project updates in leading Tidal projects across the UK, Europe, North America and Asia to understand what recent announcements will mean for the industry
Identify New Markets, Regions, and Opportunities to deploy your technology:
Assess market conditions for expanding your business globally, the potential for Tidal Energy in nascent markets, and where Tidal technology and knowledge can be deployed in other industries
Slash Marine operations costs:
Takeaway lessons learned from the Offshore Wind industry to reduce your operations costs at installation and O&M phases
Policy beyond 2020:
How to overcome perceptions. Develop ambition and create positivity for the realisation of Tidal Energy to secure Government support