WEAMEC takes part in Nantes University Scientific Days Symposium n°6, organized by Vincent Lostanlen.
Sound, as a vector of information, is a godsend for the natural sciences. In the age of smartphones and the Internet of Things, it is becoming possible to describe in detail the acoustic properties of an environment, whether natural or industrialized. Artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms are then required to automatically process the massive data thus collected and interact usefully with humans. But in practice, such a research program raises issues of reliability, sustainability, IT security and uncertainty measurement.
Against this backdrop, the symposium aims to map the issues and challenges encountered by in situ digital audio signal acquisition, through four round tables: “Birds”, “Ocean”, “City”, and “Health”.
For each of them, Nantes University has researchers in the fields of physical acoustics, statistical learning and embedded computing, as well as life and environmental sciences and the humanities and social sciences. In so doing, the symposium offers a multidisciplinary perspective on the simplistic “data + AI” equation to which the state of the art is too often confined. In addition to academics, the symposium will also be attended by representatives of nature conservation and noise pollution control associations, as well as bioacoustic consultancies.
Introductory remarks by Vincent Lostanlen (CNRS)
“Health” round table
- Joëlle Martin-Gauthier (CHU Nantes, moderator)
- Jean-Philippe Rivière (Nantes University)
- Sandie Cabon (INSERM)
- Florence Levé (Université de Picardie Jules Verne)
- Nicolas Turpault (Sonaide)
“City” round table
- Arnaud Can (Université Gustave Eiffel, IRSTV, moderator)
- Pierre Aumond (Université Gustave Eiffel, IRSTV)
- Elise Geisler (Université d’Angers)
“Acoustic sensors in the environment” poster session
Ten posters expected, all specialties included
“Birds” round table ronde
- Pierre-Emmanuel Hladik (Centrale Nantes)
- Matthieu Marquet (parc naturel régional de Brière)
“Ocean” round table
- Dominique Follut (WEAMEC, Centrale Nantes)
- Benoit Parrein (Nantes Université)
- Marine Reynaud (Fondation Open-C)
Registration is open until May 21, 2024.
- If you are a guest or a member of the organization team; click here
- If you would like to register to take part in the conference – presence or distance mode; click here
This symposium is offered in a hybrid format; please make sure you select your “presence or distance” mode when registering.
If necessary, please contact the symposium organizers.