As the offshore wind supply chain is now becoming large and highly specialized in Europe, the proliferation of demand in new markets globalizes the European supply chain and motivates the entry of new suppliers. Some emerging markets mandate local content requirements that warrant further supply chain investments. An average CAPEX for European offshore projects is dropping quickly, mainly driven by the increased competition in wind farm development, increasing turbine size, and economies of scale. In the wake of such situation, the offshore supply chain needs to be ready to face larger volumes, bigger and heavier turbines and new technologies.
Potential Attendees
- Supply Chain Companies
- Project Developers
- Windfarm Owners/Operators
- Vessel Operators
- EPCI Contractors
- Turbine Manufacturers
- Marine Contractors
- Shipping Companies
- Port Authorities
- Insurance Companies
- Utilities
- Cable Manufacturers
- Heavy Lifting companies
- Geotechnical Engineers
- Hydraulic Equipment Suppliers
- Associations
- Policy Makers
- Investors and Financers