Training content

Third Semester (30 ECTS) (i.e. first semester of this second year of master)

  • MRE structures: offshore wind energy and ocean energy
  • Design of offshore structures
  • Stochastic theory of sealoads
  • Numerical methods for uncertainty quantification
  • Risk based inspection and value of information
  • Risk and reliability in engineering
  • Monitoring strategy and monitoring systems
  • Probabilistic modelling of degradations
  • Wind loads on structures
  • Technical communication
  • Problem Based Learning (PBL)

Fourth Semester (30 ECTS) (i.e. second semester of this second year of master)

  • Internship or project
  • Workshops

Specific contribution to MRE

General skills:

  • Analyze and model a problem
  • Perform numerical calculations with uncertainties
  • Identify a model

Transversal skills:

  • Analyse the results obtained
  • Communicate orally and write the results of a methodological or technical study in a synthetic and pedagogical way
  • Produce a bibliography (state of the art) of the works on a technical subject in order to apprehend the globality and the scope of the treatments, and to self-train
  • Lead a project from the description of its specifications to its fulfillment

Specific skills:

  • Identify needs for MRE based on basic design of MRE structures
  • Define the basic elements of the calculation of complex structure reliability and be able to apply them to real situations
  • Identify, select and quantify the added value of Non Destructive Tools and SHM systems
  • Evaluate information and analyse risk to optimise the maintenance of MRE structures in terms of reliability and cost
  • Work in a team for the fulfillment of projects in an international context

Professional skills

This program aims to train structural reliability, monitoring and maintenance specialists in the field of Marine Renewable Energy (MRE).


  • Energy sector, Marine and Renewable Energy, electricity, gas, oil, nuclear.


  • Higher education and academic research.
  • Research and Development functions
  • Project Manager
  • Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) specialists
  • Researcher (after a PhD)


In all cases, you are also invited to contact and (in charge of this master).




This work is carried out with the support of the West Atlantic Marine Energy Community (WEAMEC).


This program MAREENE is labeled by EMC2, the French industrial cluster dedicated to advanced manufacturing technologies, and the pole of competitiveness on the sea economy  “Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique”.