DMEC partners with the European Space Agency (ESA) to accelerate Marine Energy solutions. The partnership will explore the added value of space technologies and data in the commercial and technical development of marine energy services and solutions.
Collaborations to accelerate EMR solutions with data and space technologies
Space technology and data can play a key role in accelerating EMR solutions and growing the EMR industry.
The partnership will explore the opportunities of space technology and data in the development of EMR solutions, in the areas of logistics, operations and maintenance (O&M), remote monitoring (environmental) and the development of business case, including resource assessment, site selection, and revenue forecast.
A call for projects for feasibility studies
The first step of the partnership will be the launch in September 2020 of the Marine Energy Tender for feasibility studies up to 150k € 100% funded to assess the technical and economic viability of the use of technologies and spatial data in support of Marine Energy. The call will provide an unprecedented opportunity for downstream space companies and marine energy developers to work together to address the challenges of Marine Energy and support technical and business innovation for the space-powered Marine Energy sector. The call will address the main operational challenges in planning, logistics, efficiency and security of operations. The studies will ultimately establish a roadmap towards pilot projects that will begin in 2021.
2 presentation events for the initiative
To kick off the Marine Energy Initiative, the online workshop Marine Energy meets Space is organized by DMEC and ESA and will take place on September 8, 2020. This workshop is the first opportunity for Marine Energy and space companies to explore the opportunities for sectoral cooperation under the Marine Energy call. On September 15th, a webinar on the Marine Energy call is being organized by DMEC and ESA, with the aim of educating participants on how to apply.
To register for these events online, go to the registration page.