Publication made in the framework of:
FOWT 2019 -Floating Offshore Wind Turbines
The presentation will cover the current research activities of the Laboratoire d’Hydrodynamique, d’Energétique et Environnement Atmosphérique (LHEEA) of Centrale Nantes on floating wind turbine (FOWT). The LHEEA is a joint research unit of the CNRS (UMR 6598) that has been working on Marine Renewable Energy systems since the 80s, for mechanical and/or energetic applications. The LHEEA has complementary tools and expertise (cf. Fig. 1) that allows us to support the development of floating wind turbines at the different stages of a concept design process. The LHEEA has an expertise in numerical modelling that is used for modeling environmental conditions and the behavior of structures at sea. The LHEEA also has experimental means (wave tank, boundary-layer wind tunnel) allowing testing and validating concepts at small to medium-scale. The LHEEA finally
manages a sea test site for full scale testing of concepts or technological bricks.
“This work was carried out within the framework of the WEAMEC, West Atlantic Marine Energy Community, and with funding from the Pays de la Loire Region”
See FLOATEOLE project