Key characteristics
The test bench is a versatile equipment suitable for large parts undergoing complex loadings under specific environmental conditions:
- Test of large structures measuring up to 8m
- Complex loads from 15kN to 650kN
- Tests in controlled environment thanks to a climatic enclosure -80 to +180 ° C / HR 5 to 95%
- Fixing systems for height and rotation adjustments
This test means makes it possible to carry out various measurements and controls:
- Acoustic emission: identification and localization of local defects
- Stereo-correlation: measurement of local deformation field without contact in real time
- Measurements by infrared camera and ultrasonic probe
- Dynamic Efforts and Displacements
- Strain gauges
- Temperature
It is a unique technological test facility in France.
- Tray size 10mx4m
- 4-axis hydraulic actuator, with 4 adjustable height and rotation brackets
- 3 m high test gantry vertical mounting wall
- Load capacity of 25kN, 100kN, 250kN and 650kN
- Pilotage with force / displacement actuators, allowing up to 4 simultaneous tests, up to 6 cylinders simultaneously on 1 test
Climatic enclosure of 8m3 (T ° C from -80 ° C to + 180 ° C, Hygrometry from 5 to 95% RH)
The multiaxial test bench is a versatile equipment to validate models and optimize large structures by subjecting them to complex mechanical loadings under environmental conditions close to the reality of operation.
It allows to carry out R & D works such as:
- Static testing and fatigue of parts and structures
- Testing composite and metal structures
- Monitoring of material health in a controlled environment (Hygrometry and temperature)
It offers an offer adapted to industrial prospects:
- Static and fatigue testing services
- Development of materials, structures and assemblies
- Translation of field data and development of customized tests
- Development of metrology technologies for CND and SHM
- Understanding Damage Mechanisms
- Validation of models (rigidity, strength, lifetime …)
Example of MRE applications
The multiaxial test bench allows to reproduce the real conditions of use of parts or large structures. Thus, it can be used to perform static and fatigue tests on composite and metal parts and structures used in MRE:
- Conduct a fine analysis of damage mechanisms
- Feeding and resetting digital models under static or cyclic loading
- Understand mechanisms of ruin and optimization of structures and assemblies
- Evaluate health monitoring devices in real time.
These tests contribute to the response of industrial issues such as:
- Structural relief (design assistance)
- Reliability of structures
- Functionalization of structures
- Predictive Maintenance (SHM)