Specific skills in the MRE field

AKROCEAN operates its own fleet of very open and modular floating platforms (buoys) allowing to perform several types of mid/long term offshore multi-measurement campaigns. These platforms are well-known for their stability and their hybrid power sources for ensuring accurate data availability. Moreover, the service includes a 365/24/7 remote supervision through an onshore supervision monitoring center for quick response to unpredictable event(s).

Products or services in MRE


A new generation of floating LiDAR turnkey services.

WINDSEA is the first stabilised floating LiDAR, hybrid and clean powered (wave and solar energies) and benefiting from a 365/7 supervision through an onshore control center. The floating LiDAR offers much power and plenty of spaces to host other ocean observing systems (including a second LIDAR) to share the monitoring costs.


A modular service covering all client’s environmental monitoring needs.

These anchored floating platforms act as powered and stabilised base platform hosting multi sensors ocean observing system (Ocean sensors, LiDAR, Hydrophones, Radar, Sonar, drones,…). The hosted maritime container can be equipped and re-equipped endlessly avoiding multiple nautical operations and sensors redundancy.