General framework of the activity
The CRED is a dynamic and static test platform which can produce material stress up to the high deformation rates that occur during structural and impact crashes, or during high-speed shaping and assembly processes. Quasi-static stress and fatigue can also be tested on the CRED platform. Our partners are in the aerospace industry, e.g. Airbus and Safran, in energy, e.g. Areva, the automotive sector e.g. Faurecia, PSA, Renault, Vibracoustic and the naval sector e.g. Naval Group.
Experimental device for :
- Quasi-static and dynamic loading of materials
- Impact test (with rubber, metallic and ice projectiles) upper 300 m/s
- Crash tests with specific quality system
Specific skills in the MRE field
- Evaluation of the resistance of the weak composites of wind turbines at sea under a thunderstorm of hail
- Dynamic deformation of materials for crash applications of boats against offshore structures
Test facilities applicable to MRE
- Impact test, like with the projectile gas gun, the falling mass system
- Dynamical mechanical characterization of materials, like with the crossbow system, the high strain rate MTS machine
- Crash test on the drop test system
Products or services in MRE
A research team will assist you in your research projects.