Key characteristics
The CRED is a dynamic and static test platform which can produce material stress up to the high deformation rates that occur during structural and impact crashes, or during high-speed shaping and assembly processes. Quasi-static stress and fatigue can also be tested on the CRED platform. Our partners are in the aerospace industry, e.g. Airbus and Safran, in energy, e.g. Areva, the automotive sector e.g. Faurecia, PSA, Renault, Vibracoustic and the naval sector e.g. Naval Group.
The Projectile gas gun hosted at the GEM laboratory is intended generally for the projectile shooting, and particularly adapted for the ice ball shooting, from 10 to 50 mm diameter, in speeds from 60 to 400 m/s. Application in the study of the influence of the impacts of hail on the wind structures.
- Propulsive gas : Nitrogen (50 bar max)
- Ice ball in cooled chamber
- Removable tube, accorded with projectile diameter
- Velocity defined by laser barrier
- Impact visualization with high speed video cameras (675000 f/s max)
- Maximum impact energy = 2800 J
- Impact on structures and targets
- Little target (some cm) to large target (some m)
- Flexible mode of fixation
- Strain measurement by strain gages or correlated pictures analysis
- Velocity measurement of the opposed side by heterodyne velocimetry
Example of MRE applications
- Evaluation of the resistance of the weak composites of wind turbines at sea under a thunderstorm of hail