General framework of the activity
The Purchasing Supply Chain Atlantic Pole is an association of industrialists, research laboratories, training organizations and institutions whose mission is to develop the competitiveness of companies and the region by mobilizing the Purchasing, Logistics and Supply Chain levers. His actions concern:
- Networking partners
- Emergence and assembly of collaborative projects
- Skills development
Areas of expertise
PASCA promotes synergy between actors in the following areas of expertise:
- Purchasing management and supplier relations
- Supply chain management
- Optimization of logistics and transport networks
- Simulation of logistics flows
- Industrial logistics and production systems
- Information system
- Urban logistics
Specific skills in the MRE field
One of the PASCA working groups concerns the MRE sector. Its objective is to support industrial and research projects for MREs in the French region, Pays de la Loire in Purchasing, Supply Chain and Management, divided into two actions:
Study “heavy package”
Actors involved:
PASCA, Carène, IUT de Nantes-Saint Nazaire, Nantes-Saint Nazaire Port
- Mapping all existing and estimated off-road package flows on the perimeter of St Nazaire / Montoir and compare the result with the “logistics” capacity of this perimeter.
- Enable Saint-Nazaire / Montoir to welcome new industrial players generating off-road package flows without disrupting existing road, rail, airport and maritime traffic or even improving overall traffic.
Study “Simulation of a wind energy logistics HUB”
Actors involved:
- Evaluate the ability of the future HUB to support all planned activity.
- Make available to the flow manager a simulation tool and a library of objects corresponding to the activity of a logistics HUB.
- Harvest and analyze input data.
- Development and supply of a simulator.
- Optimization phase: critical analysis of simulation results to improve overall functioning.
- Transferability / support: improvement of the tool so that it can handle other configurations of HUB.
Projects in MRE
Launched in June 2014, this solution, supported by the competitiveness cluster EMC2, is conducted in a partnership with PASCA, STX Solutions and all the industrial and logistics players in the “Saint-Nazaire basin” as well as local authorities (CARENE, Grand Port Maritime Nantes Saint Nazaire). A common goal: to develop an application that is used by all players in the Nazaire basin to facilitate the management of XXL parcels transport.
PASCA is also a partner of the WEAMEC “OPT EMR” project, operated by the University of Nantes and the LS2N. The objective of the project is to carry out an exploratory study on the logistic problems of the offshore wind sector and to identify the industrial needs in decision making tools to manage and optimize the logistic activities of the stakeholders, in Pays de la Loire Region and particularly the Nantes-Saint-Nazaire area. The aim of the project is to identify the problems, the issues and possible solutions, in connection with concerned actors and to define the specifications of the tools to develop in the future.