Specific skills in the MRE field

The energy unions of the Pays de la Loire region are at the forefront of implementing the energy transition. Grouped within the Pays de la Loire Energy Cluster, they have built a privileged partnership with the Region, which places them as major operational relays in the regional roadmap adopted last December.

Projects in MRE

SYDELA is one of the partner in the WEAMEC project EMA “Eolien Market Agreements”, coordinate by the LEMNA, an Université de Nantes research laboratory.

The EMA project builds energy mix scenarios applied to the French power system, in line with commitments of the national Energy Transition Act (LTECV, 2015; PPE, 2019). The goal is to simulate the mass deployment of the off-shore wind energy in 2035/2050, in order to assess the market effects from a system perspective with concern to balance and flexibility needs. A model is built to optimize the dispatching of all generator types (with programmable output and with intermittent input) and describes the operation of the power market at hour time-step over one year, based on the merit order of marginal costs.

> Read more about EMA project