A Special Session is organized on:

Tidal Stream and Wave Energy Converters: Design, Monitoring, Resilient Control, and Grid Interface


Mohamed Benbouzid, University of Brest, France, Mohamed.Benbouzid@univ-brest.fr
Yassine Amirat, ISEN Yncréa Ouest, France, Yassine.Amirat@isen-ouest.yncrea.fr
Jean Frédéric Charpentier, French Naval Academy, France, jean-frederic.charpentier@ecole-navale.fr
Tianhao Tang, Shanghai Maritime University, China, thtang@shmtu.edu.cn

A Call for Papers is launched:

The world wide potential of electric power generation from marine tidal streams and waves is enormous. High load factors resulting from the fluid properties and the predictable resource characteristics make these energy resources attractive and advantageous compared to other renewable energies. While just a few small projects currently exist, the technology is advancing rapidly and has huge potential for generating bulk power. Several demonstrative projects have been scheduled to capture tidal stream and wave energies. A number of these projects have now reached a relatively mature stage and are close to completion. While research emphasis is more towards hydrodynamics and turbine design, very limited activities are witnessed in power conversion interface, control and power quality aspects, which are of vital importance for their successful integration to the grid or to a standalone microgrid. This special session is therefore aimed to promote fruitful experience interchanges and discussions on how to improve tidal stream and wave energy converters behavior.

Please note that the submission procedure is the same as for regular papers but with a specific deadline: May 10, 2019 for the a full paper (All instructions for paper submission are detailed in the conference website).