Renewable energies offshore are becoming a significant contributor to the total energy produced in some countries and the interest in the subject is increasing. This Conference aims to contribute to the exchange of information about the developments and experience obtained in concept development, design and operation of such devices.
Invited Keynote Lectures
- Jens Nørkær Sørensen, DTU Wind Energy: Modelling methods for wind farm simulations
- Wojciech Popko, Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy and Energy System Technology, IWES Northwest: IEA wind energy model verification and validation studies
- Peter Stansby, University of Manchester: Smoothed particle hydrodynamics for renewable energies offshore
- Deborah Greaves, Plymouth University: Numerical analysis of renewable energy devices
- Lucia Margheritini, Aalborg University: Future Emerging Technologies in wave and tide
Thematic Areas
The scope of the Conference is broad, covering all aspects of the renewable energies offshore activities including:
• Resource assessment
• Wind Energy
• Wave Energy
• Tidal Energy
• Ocean Energy Devices
• Multiuse Platforms
• PTO design
• Grid connection
• Economic assessment
• Installation planning
• Maintenance planning
Links with the WEAMEC ecosystem
- Nantes University is member of the Technical Committee.
- The research project Lehero-MG, carried by the University of Nantes as part of the WEAMEC calls for projects will be presented.