TOWES 2018 is dedicated to build a networking and match-making platform for all concerned industrial players to share knowledge and to expand business contacts in this emerging Taiwanese market. What TOWES 2018 can provide is not only the topical sessions to deeply understand the market intelligence, but also to get connected with key project developers and potential technology partners in Taiwan.
The offshore wind resource along the Taiwanese coast are considered excellent, with 16 best offshore wind sites in the world and more than 6,000MW potential capacity at water depths of less than 50m. Taiwan is now considered as one of the top destinations for offshore wind deployment. Based on the this advantage, Taiwanese government announces an extensive plan to speed up the deployment of offshore wind farm and promote green energy economics in recent years.
Beginning with 3 demonstration projects in 2015, offshore installation is booming up yearly and plans to reach 5,500MW by 2025. To meet these goals, the “Taiwan Renewable Energy Development Act” puts forward a comprehensive renewableenergy policy framework and institutionalizes a number of policies for Taiwan’s offshore wind development, including the establishment of a 20-year Feed-in Tariff, zonal development, the “Thousand Wind Turbine Project” and the “Offshore Demonstrative Incentive Program”.
However, with no indigenous value chain in offshore wind sector, obstacles appeared when pushing forward the offshore wind development. In this regard, the cooperation between local and International is a must. Taiwanese firms need to cooperate with foreign firms that can provide products and solutions for the entire span of offshore wind farms development from turbine supply, financing, investment and construction/installation to maintenance and optimization to minimize the supply chain gaps.
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