Floatgen, the 2 MW floating wind turbine, installed on the Centrale Nantes offshore test site, SEM-REV (off Le Croisic), produced 14% more power in 2020 than in 2019, reaching an annual total of 6.8 GWh
After exceeding expectations in 2019, the Floatgen wind turbine set a new record in 2020, producing 6.8 GWh, for a total of 12.8 GWh in two years.
Moreover, a new capacity factor record was reached in February 2020 with more than 66%.
The wind turbine faced very challenging weather conditions, with maximum wave heights of nearly 11 metres in February 2020. The excellent performance and seakeeping performance of Ideol’s patented Damping Pool® technology are thus once again confirmed.
In view of this performance, Ideol has confirmed its partnership with Centrale Nantes, which operates the SEM-REV site, and signed an agreement extending the operation of the floating wind turbine for 3 years.
These 3 additional years will allow research activities to continue in order to further optimize the solution.
At a time when many commercial projects are being announced around the world, and in particular the imminent call for tenders for a 250 MW commercial farm in southern Brittany, these new results confirm Ideol’s leadership and its position as a key player in the global floating wind market.