Key characteristics
SEM-REV is the first European site for multi-technology offshore testing that is connected to the grid. It has all the equipment – offshore and on land – to develop, test and improve energy recovery systems (mainly from wind and wave sources).
It will play a decisive role in meeting the challenge of Marine Renewable Energy development in France. It is operated by the Research Laboratory in Hydrodynamics, Energetics and Atmospheric Environment (Centrale Nantes/CNRS), with the aim of helping industrialists develop new energy production capacities.
Using the well-known expertise of Centrale Nantes in the scope of marine renewable energy, the strategy consists in building up a continuous and pragmatic approach to the testing of technologies, and offers the corresponding facilities and services from the initial proof of concept to the large scale verification of prototypes at sea. This tryptic “modeling / ocean tank experimentation / real conditions experimentation” is a unique accelerator of MRE technologies.