
General skills:

  • Analyze and model a problem
  • Perform numerical calculations with uncertainties
  • Identify a model

Transversal skills:

  • Analyse the results obtained
  • Communicate orally and write the results of a methodological or technical study in a synthetic and pedagogical way
  • Produce a bibliography (state of the art) of the works on a technical subject in order to apprehend the globality and the scope of the treatments, and to self-train
  • Lead a project from the description of its specifications to its fulfillment

Specific skills:

  • Identify needs for MRE based on basic design of MRE structures
  • Define the basic elements of the calculation of complex structure reliability and be able to apply them to real situations
  • Identify, select and quantify the added value of Non Destructive Tools and SHM systems
  • Evaluate information and analyse risk to optimise the maintenance of MRE structures in terms of reliability and cost
  • Work in a team for the fulfillment of projects in an international context





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