PhD abstract
Keywords: offshore windfarm, topology, sizing, optimization, distribution network, transmission network, HVDC, HVAC
With the development of offshore wind farms installations around the world, the work of this thesis focuses on creating an optimization platform of the different architectures of offshore wind farms. Indeed, starting with full AC-connected farms, the integration of the HVDC grid for transmission network is proposed, then the full DC connection topology is imposed. The need of HVDC transport integration comes with the location of the turbines at a great distance from the coast in order to reduce losses along the transmission distance. Beyond the modeling of the electrical elements and their influence on the different architectures, the objective here is also to take into account the economic aspects related to the cost of turbines and their foundations, converters (AC/DC and DC/DC), transformers, offshore substations (AC or DC) and submarine cables. All the elements will be modelled and integrated into a technical and economic optimization platform which aims to minimize the LCOE (the Levelized Cost Of Energy). For more realistic conditions, the wake effect calculation between the turbines is integrated in the optimization framework. The main results of this thesis concern the comparison between the different connection technologies taking into account several aspects such as the transmission distance and the total production capacity of the park in order to define the most relevant architectures. This optimization platform presents a decision support tool for industrialists to choose the best technology during the preliminary study phase.
Stakeholders or Phd/Writer name
- Asma DABBABI-IREENA/Université de Nantes