- Need for optimization tools of the architecture of MRE parks: taking into account technical and economical constraints.
- Techno-economic approach: development of cost models, exploitation models, maintenance and availability models.
Scientific advances and innovation
The following advances and innovations will be investigated within the OWARD project:
- For now: models are available for AC distributions. Studies are made only on HVDC links.
- Integration of a hybridization between AC and DC.
- Elaborate a simulation tool able to manage exogenous constraints, made for the definition of optimal architectures.
Expected technical and economic impact
The expected impacts of the OWARD project are:
- Model the economical and technical constraints in offshore wind farms.
- Optimize the architecture of such installations with DC distribution and transportation electrical network.
- Increase the efficiency and the profitability of MRE installations.
Key project milestones
- October 2016 - Project kick-off
- October 2017 - Model synthesis and optimization problem formulation
- October 2018 - The optimization platform is operational
- October 2020 - End of project (PhD defense)
- Optimization platform for MRE parks architectures.
- Creation of a technical and economical reference.
- Comparison between DC and AC architectures.
Publications and papers published
- A. DABBABI, S. BOURGUET, R. LOISEL, M. MACHMOUM, Optimization of offshore wind farms with HVAC and HVDC transmission networks. Proc. of Electrimacs Conf, Mai 2019
- A. DABBABI, S. BOURGUET, R. LOISEL, M. MACHMOUM, Offshore wind farm layout optimization considering wake effects. Proc. of IEEE Conf, EPE, Novembre 2020
Oral communications
- S. BOURGUET, Connexion inter-array optimale, et hybridation AC/DC, L’impact des Energies Marines Renouvelables sur les Smart Grids, BlueDay EMR, organized by the “Pôle Mer Bretagne”, 28 juin 2018, St Nazaire
- A. DABBABI, S. BOURGUET, M. MACHMOUM, Optimization of offshore wind farms with HVAC and HVDC transmission networks, COFMER’03, 16-18 april 2019, Marrakech, Maroc
- A. DABBABI, S. BOURGUET, M. MACHMOUM, Optimization of offshore wind farms with HVAC and HVDC transmission networks, Electrimacs’19, 21-23 may 2019, Salerne, Italie
- DABBABI A., BOURGUET S., MACHMOUM M., LOISEL R., Optimization of offshore wind farms with HVDC transmission network, SGE, Symposium de Génie Electrique, Nantes, France, Juillet 2021
- A. DABBABI, Optimization of electrical architectures of offshore wind farms with different distribution and transmission networks AC and DC-Université de Nantes-23/10/2020