General framework of the activity
The LHEEA is tasked with both advancing of theoretical knowledge and resolving concrete problems around 4 scientific themes: free surface hydrodynamics, fluid-structure interactions, dynamics of the atmosphere, system approach for ground and marine propellents.
Its activities cover a wide range of application areas, linked to major societal and technological issues such as: development of Marine Renewable Energies (MRE) (offshore wind, floating windturbines, tidal energy, wave energy, etc), safety of both people and equipment involved in marine activities, reduction of polluting emissions associated with ground and marine transport, quality of the urban atmosphere…
The LHEEA tackles its research problems by implementing a combination of approches, numerical approach (use and development of modeling software), experimental modelling on small-scale models (engine test bench, ocean tank, atmospheric & aerodynamic wind tunnel) and experiment in natural site (SEM-REV, offshore test site).
Specific skills in the MRE field
The LHEEA conducts research on development of Marine Renewable Energy: bottom fixed offshore wind, floating offshore wind, tidal energy, wave energy … It has the particularity of operating large-scale test facilities, some of which have unique capabilities in Europe for a university site.
Test facilities applicable to MRE
- Ocean Tank: Towing tank, Hydrodynamic and Ocean Engineering Tank, Shollow water basin, recirculating canal, wind generator, motion generator 6DDL (Hexapod), trajectory motion capture system (Aerial and submarine), laser velocimetry, etc… Set of test facilities unique in France.
- SEM-REV, offshore sea test site: LHEEA operates the SEM-REV site, the first European site for multi-technology sea test connected to the network. It studies systems of energy recovery, electrical connection, technological bricks (mooring, monitoring), marine resource (wave, wind…), technology environmental impact and the opposite (corrosion, biocolonization).
- Wind tunnel: several wind tunnel allow to study air flows, in particular atmospheric wind tunnel and the aeordynamic wind tunnel which studies the interaction of the impact of the atmosphere on the aerodynamics blades and development of technologies of control (Projet ROTOR-OPTIM).
- Modeling software: NEMOH, HOS-NWT, HOS-OCEAN, ISIS-CFD, SPH-Flow
Products or services in MRE
Accompaniment by LHEEA teams in all your research projects.
Projects in MRE
- FORESEA: The FORESEA project was launched to help enterprises test and demonstrate low carbon energy technologies in real sea environments at the following test infrastructures. 4 MRE projects are already selected : wave-power prototype IHES/GEPS TECHNO, PywEC innovative generator/Pytheas Technology, cast iron shells/FMGC and connected buoy/Flex Sense.
- MaRINET2: MaRINET2 aims to help industry accelerate the development of offshore renewable energy technologies and infrastructure by opening up access to 57 test facilities across 13 European countries, including the hydrodynamics and ocean engineering tank (HOET) and the sea test site SEMREV, both run by the LHEEA from Centrale Nantes.
- FLOATGEN: Le projet porté par Ideol, Centrale Nantes et Bouygues Travaux Publics et baptisé FLOATGEN, nom donné à une éolienne flottante de 2MW, sera la première éolienne en mer en France. Les travaux de construction de la fondation flottante battent aujourd’hui leur plein sur le port de Saint-Nazaire et mèneront à l’installation de l’éolienne au large du Croisic sur le site d’expérimentation en mer SEM-REV avant la fin 2017.
- ANR SMARTEOLE (2015-2019)
- Région Pays de la Loire/SEASTORAGE (2014-2017)
- IA/Labex MER (2011 – 2019)
A lot of other projects are carried out in the MRE field, for more information, please visit the LHEEA website.
Training in the MRE field
The LHEEA teams are involved in 2 masters (Master of Engineering in Hydrodynamics, Energetics and Propulsion (HEP) and Master EMSHIP Advanced Design-Erasmus Mundus) of Centrale Nantes as well as in the option Ocean of the engineer programm.