This is a workshop organized by EERA JP Wind Sub-programme on Wind conditions and climatic effects (SP3).
It will address challenges related to estimation, prediction and mapping of the relevant quantities for developing floating wind. Another way to describe our workshop theme is the question, “What science and what science advancement is needed to better understand the met-ocean conditions properly, to facilitate the installation of a successful and cost effective 7 GW of floating wind by 2030 (as analysis by WindEurope states)?”
Abstracts are invited on met-ocean conditions that may include, but are not limited to, aspects relating to:
- Resource assessment (e.g. wind energy, floating turbine wake)
- Wind turbine, floater and mooring design(e.g. extreme winds, extreme waves, turbulence and loads)
- Floating wind farm planning (e.g. long term joint wind, wave and current statistics, loads)
- Floating wind farm operations (e.g. forecasting of wind, wave and current, loads and control)
We are particularly interested in presentations that span a range of different approaches for the modelling and measurement techniques. The modelling can cover different scales of interest from mesoscale modelling to microscale modelling. It can address aspects related to atmospheric, ocean wave and wind-wave coupled modeling. The topics cover both long-term, climatological aspects, and special, challenging atmospheric and wave features and events.
The workshop will be hosted by EERA JP Wind and DTU Wind Energy online via on 14th April 9:30-12:00.