Our world has changed over the last few weeks and we hope you are all safe and healthy. Now, more than ever, we have to cooperate and join forces to sail through this storm.
Our challenge related to climate remains intact and we look forward to take action together towards sustainability.
Since both the BlueWeek and FPSO JIP Week have been cancelled on board the SS Rotterdam, MARIN has decided to move ‘The Future of Ocean Energy and Shipping’ online
– during the same week and discussing the same themes as originally planned. Thanks to all speakers who accepted to participate in this challenge!
Enclosed we share the detailed programme for the full four days. Each day will focus on a specific theme.
To join the different sessions, you need to register in advance. To register please follow the Zoom links below, participation is free of charge. Please note that you need to register separately for each day.
Tuesday May 26 | Ocean Energy & Blue Life
Wednesday May 27 | Forum: ‘The Future of Ocean Energy and Shipping’
Thursday May 28 | Natural Propulsion
Friday May 29 | Zero Emission
DETAIL OF THE FIRST DAY ON Ocean Energy & Blue Life
13:00 hr Welcome
Erik-Jan de Ridder, Floor Spaargaren and Guilhem Gaillarde
13:10 hr Session 1
● TKI wind op Zee: current status and upcoming initiatives & projects – Bob Meijer, Director, TKI Wind Op zee
● GROW: Growth through Research, development & demonstration in Offshore Wind – David de Jager, Director, GROW
● Preparing for the future of wind turbine installation – Andries Hofman, Project Manager, GustoMSC
● Orsted innovation offshore wind – René Lindeboom, Project Lead Offshore Wind, Oorsted
● Touchwind: new floating wind turbine design – Mark Goossens, Manager / Founder, Touchwind
14:45 hr Break
15:00 hr Session 2
● Modelling the North Sea wind climate in 2050: what are the impacts of 60GW of offshore wind energy? – Remco Verzijlbergh, Director of Operations, Whiffle
● Floating OTEC: An opportunity to industrialize ocean renewable energy – Martin Brown, General Manager, Aqualisbraemar
● The PosHYdon project: hydrogen production from offshore wind and transport to shore – Rene Peters, Director Gastechnologie TNO
15:55 hr Break
16:10 hr Session 3
● Transatlatic Hyperloop – Linda Kemp, Project Manager, MARIN
● IMPAQT project- Luca van Duren, Project Manager, Deltares
● Floating food production- Sören Knittel, Partner, Floating Food Farm
● Pilots Noordzeeboerderij Eef Brouwers, Manager Operations and Co-founder, North Sea Farm Foundation
17:30 hr Closing Day 1
Each day session will start at 13:00 Amsterdam/European time zone (note that you can enter webinar 10 minutes before start) and will be shaped in three sub sessions of about 1.5 hours each. You can easily join the (sub)sessions you are interested in and interact after each presentation. The programme and registration links will also be shown on and