The WAKEFUL project aims at studying the far-wake of a floating offshore wind turbine (FOWT) at full scale in real met-ocean conditions. The project takes benefit of a joint LiDAR experiment within VAMOS project gathering the University of Stuttgart, IDEOL and the LHEEA lab (Centrale Nantes – CNRS) around the characterization of the power curve, the close and the far wake of a floating wind turbine installed at the sea test site SEM-REV. The major objective of WAKEFUL is to measure the far wake of the FOWT, some hundred meters downstream the turbine, in order to understand its interactions with the floater motions and the atmospheric unsteady variations. The final goal of the project is to evaluate the ability of models to correctly predict the unsteady wake of a FOWT.
In the first part of this project, a dedicated motion compensation strategy (platform or/and post-processing) will be developed to compensate for the motion of the floater where the LiDAR will be installed.
The second part is dedicated to the measurement and analysis of the data collected.
The project will benefit from the presence of several LiDARs to analyze the far wake (scanning LiDAR) as function of the inflow conditions (nacelle-mounted LiDAR) the project will focus on the analysis of the temporal variations of the far wake (unsteady wake) and its meandering. The scanning LiDAR will also be used to provide datasets of atmospheric conditions.
Scientific advances and innovation
- Defining a methodology for floating platform-based scanning LiDAR measurements,
- Analysis of floating scanning LiDAR data,
- Assessment of FOWT unsteady far-wake models,
- Document met-ocean forcing in open sea situations.
Expected technical and economic impact
- Address a lack of data on FOWT wakes
- Analyze the dynamics of FOWT wakes to prepare for FOWT farms
- Develop initial tools for FOWT unsteady wake modeling
Key project milestones
- T0 + 12 month: - Definition and setting up of a motion compensation methodology for the scanning LiDAR
- T0 + 24 month: - Joint LiDAR experiment performed on a FOWT with a cross use of LiDARs
- T0 + 30 month: - A database is made for the analysis of the unsteady far-wake of a FOWT
- T0 + 36 month: - A recommendation on best practices of usage for scanning LiDAR measurements on floating platforms is made, a technological step for floating-platform-based measurements.
- T0 + 36 month: - Unsteady wake models are compared to the database, a scientific step in the understanding of FOWT wakes
Publications and papers published
- B. Conan, Scanning LiDAR field observation of near-offshore wind resource and extremes in the Northeast Atlantic coastal region of France, WESC 2021, 25-28 May 2021, Hannover, Germany (submitted)
- Offshore wind resource, B. Conan, S. Aubrun, I. Calmet, T. Desert, P. Keravec, L. Paskin, Y. Perrignon, J-M. Rousset, Seanergy, 21-24 Septembre 2021, Nantes, Saint-Nazaire, France.