The OES Task (10) on WEC modelling verification and validation, was initiated in 2015 with a kick-off workshop took place in September 2016 where the initial base line task was defined. Lessons learned from offshore wind validation/verification projects (OC3-OC5 conducted within IEA Wind Task 30) was “start with a simple case”. The OES group initiated modelling a heaving sphere.
The modelling cases has progressed via comparing numerical models to mathematical solutions to the existing experiments, a heaving float US system and the OWC system Korea, the simple testcase of a heaving sphere has been kept for development of further experimental validation.
Agenda of course topics:
• Review of validation cases undertaken by OES WEC Modelling
• Modelling techniques used by OES WEC Modelling
• Review and presentation of simulations of the KRISO OWC test case
• Dedicated experimental sphere test cases for validation of numerical models
The workshop will give the participants opportunity to discuss the results of their work face to face – reflect and propose new activities that can help validate and consolidate the accuracy, complexity and efficiency of theoretical numerical models. The principle output from this training activity is the development of explicit knowledge of WEC modelling in the trainees. This includes both the course content as well as the development of personal links for the trainees that can be re-invested in other COST Action activities.
WECANet can offer a grant of (500 EUR/person) for 10 persons. More information on the description, outputs and application procedure in the pdf below.