General framework of the activity
Heir to the Hydrography schools, to Colbert, to the « Hydros », then to the Ecole Nationale de la Marine Marchande (ENMM), the French Maritime Academy (ENSM) provides high level training courses in the maritime and paramaritime sectors to Merchant Marine Officers
It welcomes every year 1,200 students and 3,000 trainees.
In Nantes, the ENSM trains merchant navy officers in their fifth year of study, Captain, Captain 3000, Capitaine Yacht 3000, bridge officers of the watch and Chief Engineer Unlimited.
The school has a strong knowledge of maritime transport and many areas of expertise: regulations, human factors, the conduct of the ship and its complex systems.
In addition, the school offers educational tools of high technicality: navigation simulator, machine simulator, dynamic positioning simulator, fuel cell to familiarize students with the operation of the ship.
Specific skills in the MRE field
In the field of MRE, ENSM develops skills and teaching for interventions within wind farms, conducting safe offshore operations, …
For example, it offers the specialized DMO option, which aims to train managers of offshore installation, operation and dismantling projects capable of taking into account the environmental impact.
Related test facilties
Training in the MRE field
The academy offers trainings directly related to the EMR as the DMO option and is a partner of MRE WEAMEC Continuing Education.