Thanks to the FRYDOM WEAMEC research project, initiated in 2016, involving an academic partner, Centrale Nantes, and a company, D-ICE Engineering, an Open Source simulation software for offshore operations at the best global level has just been put online.
Centrale Nantes & D-ICE Engineering are very pleased to announce the first release of the FRyDoM-CE framework under the GPLv3 open source license.
After a development initiated in 2016 within the framework of WEAMEC, West Atlantic Marine Energy Community, FRyDoM-CE (Community Edition) has officially been published in April 2019. Resulting from a tight collaboration between Centrale Nantes and D-ICE Engineering, FRyDoM-CE is a novel framework dedicated to complex marine systems modelling and time-domain simulations. One of the main goal is to provide the marine community with a powerful open numerical physics engine to model and simulate platforms in a marine environment, up to most complex setup.
Among others, FRyDoM-CE integrates Chrono: Engine, a powerful multibody dynamics engine, and is able to manage complex mechanical systems – such as arbitrary composition of rigid and flexible bodies with any topology, including constraints such as mechanical joints with actuation or contacts with collision detection. Marine environment modelling is included such as: irregular wave field, tidal, wind, current. State-of-the-art hydrodynamic interaction models are also provided: seakeeping, maneuvering, wave resistance, etc. Moreover, different levels of cable models are offered to accordingly simulate moorings, crane lifting or tug operations, etc.
The FRyDoM-CE framework is designed following highly modular C++(11/14) architecture exposing a clear and documented programming interface (API). Coding tutorials, basic examples, theory guide and benchmark cases are provided and regularly fed and enhanced.
The source code is hosted on a dedicated Gitlab platform open to registered users, offering advanced functionalities for bug tracking and feature requests.
Along with the open source release, it is aimed to gather a user community sharing valuable information and experiences. To this end, a forum is available for registered users.
FRyDoM – SEM-REV Hub Installation Case #2
LINKS (for registered users only) (for registered users only) (Enterprise Edition)
This work was carried out within the framework of the WEAMEC, West Atlantic Marine Energy Community, and with funding from the Pays de la Loire Region and D-ICE Engineering.