The Marine Energy Alliance (MEA) is a 4 year European Territorial Cooperation project running from May 2018 to May 2022. The project has a total budget of €6 million and is finacially supported by Interreg North West Europe, who provides €3.6 million of ERDF funding.
In this 4 years project 8 partners will join their expertise in Marine Energy to provides technical and commercial services to 40 SMEs from the North West Europe Region. Several French partners such as Centrale Nantes, via the LHEEA lab and the SEM-REV offshore test site or and the INNOSEA company.
The 2nd call from MEA will be open from the 1st of January to the 14th of February 2020.
MEA technical and commercial service portfolio
- Technical services:
- Low TRL test planning and result interpretation
- Numerical simulation and validation
- Technical design optimisation
- Cost-of-system assessment
- Commercial services
- Unique Selling Point (USP) definition
- Business case development
- Commercial strategy development
- Launching customer segment identification
- Investment & funding strategy development