- Floating wind turbine is still in a prototype phase.
- What should be the choice for the anchoring foundation on the marine soil ?
- Is it possible to reduce the length and geometry of the anchors lines?
- How taking into account the soil variability and the loads that are also variable in intensity and direction during the life of a floating wind turbine ?
Scientific advances and innovation
- Performing parametric studies on small scale centrifuged models and creating an experimental data base for several types of instrumented anchoring systems (e.g. open piles, helical piles,…) in several identified soils.
- Comparing experimental results with existing design methods and identifying a pertinent deterministic model.
- Taking into account soil variability in the identified deterministic model.
Expected technical and economic impact
- Design optimization of floating wind turbine anchors.
- Reduction of the geometrical and environmental impact of anchoring systems.
Key project milestones
- January 2017 - Kick-off meeting
- December 2017 - Experimental devices
- June 2018 - Start experimental program
- December 2018 - Data base structure
- June 2020 - End experimental program
- October 2020 - Closing symposium
- Development of a dynamic driving system for open piles installation in centrifuge.
- Device for installation of helical piles in centrifuge.
- Development of an experimental database.
Publications and papers published
- Schiavon J.A., Tsuha C.H.C., Thorel L. 2016. Scale effect in centrifuge tests of helical anchors in sand , Int. J. Physical Modelling in Geotechnics ISSN 1346-213X
- Agudelo Perez Z., Tsuha C., Dias D., Schiavon J.A., Thorel L. 2017 Numerical and experimental study on the influence of installation effects on the behaviour of helical anchors in very dense sand. , Can. Geotech. J. Publié sur le Web 2 décembre 2017.
- Schiavon J.A., Tsuha C.H.C., Thorel L. 2017. Cyclic and post-cyclic monotonic response of a single-helix anchor in sand. Geotechnique letters7, 11-17,
- Schiavon J.A., Tsuha C., Neel A., Thorel L. Centrifuge modelling of a helical anchor under different cyclic loading conditions in sand. International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics (published on line 20th march 2019) –McNamara et al. (Eds) Taylor & Francis Group, ISBN 978-1-138-34419-8, pp1315-132
- Schiavon J.A., Tsuha C., Thorel L. 2019. Monotonic, cyclic and post-cyclic performance of a single-helix anchor in residual soil of sandstone. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (published on line 30th march 2019).
Oral communications
- Schiavon J.A., Tsuha C.H.C., Thorel L., Centrifuge investigation of the cyclic loading effect on the post-cyclic monotonic performance of a single-helix anchor in sand. 9th ICPMG London 17-20th july 2018. Physical Modelling in Geotechnics – McNamara et al. (Eds) Taylor & Francis Group, ISBN 978-1-138-34419-8, pp1315-1320
- Thorel L., Reducing the environmental geometrical impact of floating windturbines by using pile foundations : centrifuge modelling of the behaviour of helical anchors, REDENV-EOL project. Poster presented to the French American Innovation Day, Boston 18-19th march 2019.
- Schiavon J.A., Tsuha C.H.C., Thorel L., El Haffar I. Observations on the cyclic and post-cyclic response of screw anchors in dry sand. 1st Int. Symp. On Screw Piles for Energy Applications. Dundee, 27-28 may 2019. P79. Doi 10.20933/100001123 (extended abstract)
- Schiavon J.A., Tsuha C., Thorel L. Behavior of a single-helix anchor in sand subjected to cyclic loadings: centrifuge modeling. Geotechnical Engineering in the XXI Century: Lessons learned and future challenges N.P. López-Acosta et al. (Eds.) 6th Panamerican conf. on soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering, Cancun, Mexico, 17-20 nov. 2019. 493-500. doi:10.3233/STAL190076. Pp 493-500
- Tsuha C., Schiavon J.A., Thorel L. Evaluation of the breakout factor for helical anchors in sand by centrifuge testing Geotechnical Engineering in the XXI Century: Lessons learned and future challenges N.P. López-Acosta et al. (Eds.) 6th Panamerican conf. on soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering, Cancun, Mexico, 17-20 nov. 2019. 905-912. doi:10.3233/STAL190128.pp 905-912.
- Thorel L., Neme Gamarra M., El Haffar I., Schiavon J.A., Tsuha C.H.C. Stress variation during installation of mono-helix helical pile. 1st Int. Symp. On Screw Piles for Energy Applications. Dundee, 27-28 may 2019. Extended abstract, 1p.
- Maatouk S., Blanc M., Thorel L. Development of a hammer to drive monopiles wind turbines in centrifuge. 4th European Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Lulea 15-17 march 2020. Postponed to sept. ECPMG2020, Laue & Bansal (eds.) ISBN 9789177904531, 89-93
- Thorel L., El Haffar I., Blanc M. Pile test database on centrifuged models: tension loading for floating wind turbine anchor 4th European Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Lulea 18-20 march 2020.
- Thorel L., El Haffar I., Blanc M. Base de données d’essais de pieux réalisés sur modèles réduits centrifugés : chargement en traction pour ancrage d’éolienne flottante, JNGG 2020. Congrès annulé.
- Maatouk S., Blanc M., Thorel L. Développement d’un batteur pour installer des monopieux d’éoliennes en mer en centrifugeuse. JNGG 2020. Congrès annulé.
- Thorel L., El Haffar I., Maatouk S., Schiavon J.A., Tsuha C. Cyclic loading of helical pile as anchor for floating wind turbine : centrifuge tests. ISFOG2020, Austin. Postponed to 8-11nov 2021. 313-320