Key characteristics
The mission of CEA Tech Pays de la Loire is to develop and disseminate technologies to benefit the industry by ensuring a “bridge” between the scientific world and the economic world. It provides access to the key generic technologies developed by the other CEA operational divisions.
Marinisation of industrials systems key characteristics:
- Tests of large dimension components under salt spray chamber
- Durability cycles on units and systems
- Reproduction of dynamical constraints on high-voltage cables
- Salt spray chamber with large volume (8 m3, maximum load : 800 kg)
- Climatic chamber (52 m3, -30 / 70 °C, hygrometry regulation)
- Test pool with dimension : 5 m x 3 m x 1,5 m
- Materials characterization facilities (binocular microscope, SEM, …)
- Simulation software for corrosion mechanisms modeling
- Environmental testing under saline atmosphere
- Durability accelerated cycles of salt spray with regulation of temperature and hygrometry
- Tests of several components (electronic cards, cables, connectors, …) until a whole system with large dimension (unit, module, battery, …)
- Tests on materials samples (alloys, surface treatments, coating, …)
Example of MRE applications
- Structure durability in sea environment
- Optimization of the balance costs/mass/efficiency of protections
- Test design efficiency under environment constraints
Modeling galvanic corrosion ->