Newsletter WEAMEC-MARS 2020 – Articles à la une
Call for project International Research WEAMEC
WEAMEC supports the development of international relationships for the research teams in its ecosystem.
To this end, WEAMEC co-finances international research projects with collaboration between two laboratories: the first of a research establishment from Pays de la Loire and the second of an establishment of an ecosystem targeted in the International Strategy of WEAMEC.
This call WEAMEC International Research Projects is permanently open over the period 2018-May 2020, the application can be submitted at any time of the year. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you are interested !
ETIPWind supports the implementation of the European Commission’s Strategic Energy Technology Plan and the Research & Innovation Implementation Plan on Offshore Wind. To this end ETIPWind connects the entire European wind energy community. WEAMEC participates in the ETIPWind platform and speaks for its community.
The ETIPWind Roadmap sets out how we can target Research & Innovation to de-risk technology development & accelerate this large-scale deployment of cost-competitive wind energy and support the existing European supply chains. WEAMEC has prepared a summary of this roadmap on its website.
Ocean Energy Key trands & statistics 2019
The Ocean Energy Key Trends & Statistics 2019 report is compiled by Ocean Energy Europe using data gathered from the ocean energy industry. The report provides an in-depth analysis of new ocean energy projects deployed at sea in 2019, together with an outlook for 2020. The statistics provided cover the annual and cumulative capacity for wave and tidal projects in Europe and globally.
WEAMEC has extracted for you the most important data and offers you on its website a summary of these data.