This first international committee was devoted to the presentation of WEAMEC , its actions and its international strategy. These two days were rich in exchanges and discussions around the projects, skills and test facilities of our ecosystem.
The committee is made up of 8 international experts from ecosystems that are part of the excellence of Marine Renewable Energy research and innovation: Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU, Norway), University College Dublin (Ireland), National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL, USA), University College Cork (Ireland), Aalborg University (Denmark), Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy and Energy System Technology (Fraunhofer IWES, Germany), European Marine Energy Center (EMEC, Scotland), WavEC Offshore Renewables ( Portugal).
The first feedback of this international committee is very positive and indicates that the ecosystem WEAMEC has excellent assets with very solid infrastructure and many skills and expertise applied to the field of Marine Renewable Energy. The positive impact of WEAMEC in the coordination of this wide variety of stakeholders was also noted. It was also an opportunity to have a critical and constructive feedback on the international strategy established by WEAMEC that will guide and refine its actions towards even more efficiency. Requests for clarification, in particular on international collaboration tools, as well as the drafting of a common action plan show that the participants want to deepen relations and to make a long-term commitment.
A big thank you to the fifteen experts from the ecosystem (Centrale Nantes, University of Nantes, IFSTTAR, CEA Tech) who presented their activities, their skills, their test facilities, their project results…
Beyond the strict evaluation of WEAMEC’s international strategy, this first meeting of the international committee was also an opportunity for WEAMEC and its partners to strengthen its international relations in order to consolidate collaborations (new projects of basin networks and sites of tests in the continuity of those currently in progress, international master projects, ITN (International Training Network)…) or to create new opportunities for collaboration.
Members of the WEAMEC International Committee:
Erin BACHYNSKI (Assistant Professor, NTNU, Norway); Jochen BARD (Division Director, Fraunhofer IEE, Germany); John SORENSEN (Professor, Aalborg University, Denmark); Frédéric DIAS (Professor, UCD, Ireland); Jimmy MURPHY (Managing Director, MAREI / UCC, Ireland); Elaine Buck (Technical Manager, EMEC, Scotland); Antonio SARMENTO (Professor and President, WAVEC, Portugal); Jason JONKMAN (Senior Researcher, NREL, USA).