Benchmark of MRE master degree courses, taught in English.
In 2017, WEAMEC has carried out a benchmark in order to identify the training offer available through the prism of the five axes of the WEAMEC roadmap, in the framework of the development of new master level courses with European visibility focusing on MREs:
- Ocean Engineering
- EMR Civil Engineering
- EMR Structures and Processes
- Electro-technical EMR
- EMR Maintenance
This analysis made it possible to determine the overall distribution of master-type courses on a total of 83 Masters with an EMR component and delivered in English, with an European visibility:
We notice that the masters focusing on ocean engineering skills are well represented, in contrast to the masters focused on the development of skills in electrical engineering, maintenance, civil engineering and structures and processes.
Among the 83 masters, 6 are offering a more global and pluridisciplinary training, covering all the MRE technologies and value chain.
This analysis confirms the choices made concerning the new masters to be implemented as part of the WEAMEC roadmap.
WEAMEC, with Centrale Nantes & Nantes University, also propose an Executive Education on MRE.