The government of Taiwan aims to phase out the share of nuclear power in the Taiwan energy mix. The goal is to target an energy mix of 50% natural gas, 30% coal, and 20% renewable energy by 2025.
Renewable energy will essentially be photovoltaic energy and offshore wind energy: an installed capacity of bottom_fixed offshore wind power of 5.5 GW is targeted by 2025.
The first 738 MW will be in 2020 the service: the first will be installed bases Yunlin park WPD (first phase) and Formosa park 2 Swancor / Macquarie.
The installation of floating wind turbines in Taiwan, for a capacity of 1 GW by 2030 is also considered.
In January 2018, a Taiwanese delegation met with stakeholders from the WEAMEC ecosystem to discuss the possibilities of possible joint projects.
January 2016
Taiwanese government announcement of a target of 4GW installed wind capacity by 2030.
November 2016
A letter of intent is signed with Eolfi (France) for the installation of floating wind turbines in Taiwan, for a capacity of 1 GW by 2030, but which could eventually reach 2 GW of cumulative capacity.
February 2017
The goal of 3 GW installed by 2025 is affirmed as part of Taiwan’s energy plan. This objective would correspond to an investment of around 17 billion euros.
January 2018
Ørsted supports the development of offshore wind farms in Taiwan. Ørsted has signed a memorandum of understanding with the National University of Science and Technology of Kaohsiung (NKUST) to develop offshore wind knowledge.
February 2018
The offshore wind development objective is increased to 5.5 GW by 2025.
The feed-in tariff (FIT) will be applied to 3.5 GW, while the remaining 2 GW will be the subject of an auction.
9 developers obtained the offshore environmental permits needed to position themselves in the production of 5.5 GW: 4 local developers and 5 European developers.
Subsequently, an additional 5 to 6 GW should be installed and marketed between 2026 and 2035.
April 2018
A grid connection capacity of 3,836 MW was awarded to 7 of the 9 developers for a total of 11 wind farms.
The first 738 MW will be operational by 2020: the first to be installed will be the Yunlin wind farm of WPD (first phase) and the Formosa 2 wind farm of Swancor / Macquarie.
June 2018
Additional 1,664 MW were awarded to four wind farms following the auction bid:
- 920 MW for the two Ørsted offshore wind farm located in Changhua. Ørsted had already recieved 900 MW in April 2018, so the company gets a total of 1920 MW.
- 744 MW for the two Hai Long 2 and Hai Long 3 projects, developed by Northland Power, Yushan Energy and Mitsui.
The prices offered ranged from around 63 euros / MWh to 72 euros / MWh.
It should be noted that in parallel with the development of these parks, two demonstration parks had obtained a development agreement: the 120 MW Formosa 1 park and the 110 MW Changhua PTC (phase 1) park.
October 2018
Funding for Yunlin Park, developed by WPD, is being finalized. The project will be financed concurrently by equity and debt financing.
Meeting actors of the WEAMEC ECOSYSTEM
In January 2018, a Taiwanese delegation also met the stakeholders of the WEAMEC ecosystem and exchanges focused on:
- the role of WEAMEC as a gateway to the ecosystem
- the possible involvement of Centrale Nantes (SEM-REV site) to support MOuvrage in future commercial operations
- the expertise of the University of Nantes on the bio-colonization of sites
- GEPS expertise in improving energetical autonomy at sea
- AKROCEAN‘s expertise in offshore resource analysis for future offshore wind farms.
- The delivery of wind turbines by GE
- The delivery of Electrical Ofshore Sub-Stations by les Chantiers de l’Altalntique.