As part of the OPIN project, a webinar will be organised by Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) on 27/05/21 on the opportunities for Ocean Energy to Power Aquaculture.
Niche markets such as aquaculture, island communities and salinity plants are often proposed as potential opportunities for ocean energy technologies to power. Such niche markets provide opportunities to consider off the grid solutions for emerging technologies to supply low levels of consistent power supply in remote locations.
Aquaculture in particular is seen as a significant opportunity for ocean energy as many operations are currently powered by diesel generation. There are a number of potential synergistic opportunities for co-location of aquaculture and ocean energy devices: for instance, wave farms could provide shelter in their lee to an offshore aquaculture facility, and aquaculture sites could provide suitable opportunities for technologies to test and demonstrate at smaller scales. However, there are some challenges to consider, such as the ideal environment for offshore aquaculture may not always present the best resource for a marine energy conversion system and this may pose a significant challenge for some ORE technologies.
This workshop aims to identify the opportunities and challenges that may lie in targeting the aquaculture sector as a key market for ocean energy technologies.
Contributors to the workshop will include:
- Jamie Young (Gael Force Group) – Aquaculture farming equipment needs of today
- Donal Maguire (Gator) – Gator, Powering sustainable growth in aquaculture
- Torstein Nygård (Fjord Maritime) – Fjord Hybrid, Reducing consumption and GHG in the fish farming Industry
- Mairi Wickett (WITT Energy) – Harvesting vortex induced vibration from subsea water flow
- John Fitzgerald (Impact 9) – Aquaculture: How did I end up here?
- Niall O’Rahelly (Hatch) – Hatch: Opportunities for the OPIN Network
This event is open to OPIN members. If your organisation is not listed here, please fill out the following Membership Form. OPIN registration is quick, free and gives access to an international network of more than 400 members and activities dedicated to offshore renewable energy.