General framework of the training offer
This continuous training is intended to players from Marine Renewable Energy market who want to improve their skills and to those who wish to develop their activity and to break into this emergent market.
This training is conceived with a double objective: to develop business markets and to increase the employability of the people who will follow these courses. The ” MRE Technical advisor “ Certificate verify the skills allowing to assure a technical support with the operational teams and to contribute to the development of their technical skills in Marine Renewable Energy.
This certificate was designed by teachers of Centrale Nantes and Nantes University within the framework of WEAMEC.
You have to follow all the modules to obtain the certificate. You can also follow only one or more modules that specifically serve your business goals.
To register, use the information form:
Training content
Module 4- Wave,wind current -Data entry for MRE systems design basis:
1. Description of the characteristics of the marine environment for MRE:
- Wave, current, wind : physic, characterisation parameters
2. Prediction at short and long term for the design:
- In-situ data: acquisition, treatment, databases
- Numerical model for statistical prediction at short and long term
- determinist numerical models for wind, wave and current propagation
3. Specification content of environmental data:
- Example for a specification in offshore oil&gas
- Example for the specification of the Floatgen project in SEM-REV
4. Use of the environmental data for a project:
- Extreme environment conditions
- Load cases for the lifetime predictions
- Operations at sea predictions
5. Bases:
- Guidance from the regulations standards : API, DNV, BV
- Available data bases
- Existing courses : ECN, University, …
- Feedbacks from previous projects
Specific contribution to MRE
The module “Wave, wind, current – Data entry for MRE systems design basis” will enable you to predict the resource (wind, current, swell) and use this data for the optimal design of the energy recovery system and its robustness in severe environment.
Professional skills
At the end of the training, you will be able to:
- understand the methods of formatting the ocean-weather data and how to acquire them
- interpret ocean-wether data
- understand the methods of characterization the most relevant for a project in a given site.