As part of OPIN, a Collaborative Innovation Group (CIG) led by WEAMEC has released a state-of-the-art report addressing “Corrosion in reinforced concrete structures used for offshore renewables”. This initiative aims at preparing a future R&D collaborative project.
The report is available to download at the bottom of this page.
The Ocean Power Innovation Network (OPIN) is an international network dedicated to offshore renewable energy, offering free activities to its +500 members. As part of OPIN, a Collaborative Innovation Group (CIG) led by WEAMEC has worked on Corrosion in reinforced concrete structures used for offshore renewables over the past five months.
This CIG gathered 12 organisations (including 4 SMEs) from France, Belgium, Denmark and USA. WEAMEC members (Nantes Université, Université Gustave Eiffel, Bureau Veritas and MAREAL) took an active role in this working group.
The main objective of this CIG was to identify one or several future R&D collaboration opportunities within the CIG members and start preparing the basis for associated grant applications.
A state-oF-the-art report is now available
The state-of-the-art report compiles knowledge, information and ideas shared amongst the CIG members. The report aims at identifying future R&D paths to reduce corrosion degradation while optimizing socio-economic and environmental impacts, by comparing alternative reinforced concrete solutions for offshore renewables. A more comprehensive version of the report is available to the CIG members, including a proposal of future R&D project (challenges, work plan, public funding opportunities).
For additional information, please do not hesitate to contact WEAMEC ( contact@weamec.fr) and the Ocean Power Innovation Network at OPIN@seai.ie
This OPIN Collaborative Innovation Group has received support under the Interreg North West Europe from the European Research and Development Fund (ERDF).
Table of content
- Introduction
- CIG organisation
- Needs and expectations
- Chloride propagation and corrosion mechanisms within the concrete material in sea environment
- Corrosion protection current practices in more mature sectors
- Biofouling impact on corrosion resistance of reinforced concrete
- Inspection and monitoring methods (in particular Non- Destructive and Structural Health Monitoring)
- Alternative materials for concrete reinforcement (stainless steel and composite)
- Alternative concrete formulations
- Rules and standards
- Future research and demonstration project
- Appendix 1 & 2 – Rules and standards on concrete