As part of its training activities, WEAMEC has the ambition to develop the initial training offer dedicated to the Marine Renewable Energy of the MRE ecosystem of the Pays de la Loire region.

This synthesis focuses on the roadmap for the development of training at master’s level.

After mapping the existing offer, which is regularly  updated, WEAMEC has identified the shortcomings, established a roadmap, and the training institutions have implemented new courses adapted to the sector, with the assistance of WEAMEC.

The WEAMEC partners identified 5 “technical” skills essential to the development of the MRE sector. These 5 “technical” skills to be developed through the initial training offer are:

  • Civil engineering
  • Ocean engineering
  • Maintenance
  • Electrical engineering
  • Structures and processes

The human and social sciences are also essential to the harmonious development of the sector (law of the sea and EMRs, sharing of space, acceptability, …).


Masters developping the 5 “technical” skills axes

Pre-existing masters

Four pre-existing masters corresponding to the axes of the WEAMEC training roadmap were identified in 2015, when WEAMEC was created:

Five masters created or revised since 2015

Since 2015, five masters in line with the axes of the WEAMEC training roadmap have already been created or updated:

  • the AMASONE  international master, carried by Centrale Nantes and launched in 2015, which corresponds to axis 1 of the  WEAMEC road map  (ocean engineering axis, taught in English);
  • the DMO course (deployment and maintenance of Offshore systems) on the installation, operation and decommissioning of the parks, carried out by the ENSM (maintenance axis);
  • The Master 2 Electrical Energy  (electro-technical axis, taught in English) is carried by Polytech Nantes, the University of Nantes and the UBL  (University of Bretagne Loire). This programme was updated in 2017 and the WEAMEC participated in discussions on the integration of the MRE theme;
  • the international master REM  (Master in Renewable Energy in the Marine Environment) is  coordinated by the UPV / EHU (Universidad del Pais Vasco / Heuskal Herriko Unibertsitatea) consortium, and with Centrale Nantes, NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology), and the University of Strathclyde. This master’s degree is  an Erasmus Mundus Master launched in 2018 (multi-axes, delivered in English). The Master’s objective is to train MRE specialists able of analyzing, evaluating, developing and exploiting offshore structures;
  • the mechanical master 2 MAREENE (Reliability based Structural Maintenance for Marine Renewable Energy), focuses on the computational maintenance of offshore systems (maintenance axis, taught in English). The main partners of this master are the University of Nantes (France), project coordinator, the School of Mechanical & Materials Engineering University College Dublin / UCD (Ireland), the Aalborg University / AAU (Denmark) and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology / NTNU (Norway).


Masters developping the human and social sciences axis

Masters in Human and Social Sciences relevant to the MRE sector have also been identified.

Pre-existing masters

It is a transversal Master in all branches of law.

This programme trains specialists in the spacial management of coastal and maritime areas, around a very wide range of issues.

Masters created or revised since 2015

which aims to train assessors and managers of environmental projects (renewable energy, water, blue growth, waste management, etc.). It is offered by the University of Nantes. The students of this master participate in the annual EMR WEAMEC seminar.


Launch of the WEAMEC MRE seminar (first edition in 2018)

Since, 2018, the WEAMEC organized annually the WEAMEC MRE seminar  for master students and engineers of the ecosystem whose technical specialties (electrical engineering, ocean engineering, materials, maintenance , …) are useful and valuable in the field of Marine Energies.

The objectives of this annual seminar are:

  • to propose a global vision of the MRE, at the same time market, technical, right, security …
  • to meet expert that share their experience as professional working in the sector.


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